HopeGivers Empowering communities with compassion and action.


Our Approach

The underlying causes of poverty are not simple, and they are always interlinked. TVO takes a holistic approach to fighting poverty, tackling multiple issues to address those causes.TVO’s project design and implemented according to TVO’s 05 program principles:

  • Promote Empowerment
  • Work in Partnership with Others (Public and Private Actors)
  • Ensure Accountability and Promote Responsibility
  • Address Discrimination
  • Seek Sustainable Results


TVO works with local, national NGOs, grassroot organizations to implement projects with help of partners. TVO has supported Projects of 1204 NGO’s/CBO’s.

Project Management

TVO implements projects and programs for our partners. Some famous key partners includes USAID, EU, UNICEF, WFP, IOM , NPGP/IFAD

TVO Tehsil Network

TVO has created a Network of 269 Partner organization in Rural & Semi-Urban Tehsils of Pakistan to foster community & institutional development.

Strategic Focus

Combating Poverty

Ending the circle of Poverty


Strengthen effective, inclusive & accountable governance

Building Resilience

The Key to Thriving Communities

Environment & Climate Change Adaptation

Small Action, Big Impact: Fighting Climate change Together


United for Change: Building a better future


Together we Rise: Building a World where gender defines Potential, not Limitation

Programme Focus

Primary Education (Formal)

Primary Healthcare

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)


Environment & Climate Change Adaptation

Environment & Climate Change Adaptation

Programme Focus

Grants to NGOs in:

Formal education is school education and its purpose is to prepare children to acquire skills and knowledge. TVO provide financial assistance for establishment /strengthening up to middle level schools and strengthening of existing school for special children, with emphasis on female education. TVO does not support non-formal education.
TVO’s support in the field of health is restricted to strengthening of Primary Healthcare (PHC) activities. The scope of PHC activities includes the following:
  1. Treatment of common diseases and injuries
  2. Mother and child healthcare
  3. Provision of reproductive healthcare
  4. Immunization against infectious diseases
  5. Training of TBAs and CHWs
TVO support WASH projects for marginalised communities. The scope of WASH activities includes the following: Water
  • Hand pumps
  • Ponds / Wells
  • Natural springs
  • Rain water harvesting
  • Water supply schemes
  • Provision of basic sanitation facilities.
  • Household Waste Management
 Hygiene Awareness/Promotion
  • Prevention and control of epidemic diseases.
  • Health education

Rural Enterprise Development (RED):

The projects may include any activity leading to the creation of employment and income generation for the community. A list of some of Rural Enterprises is annexed as Annex – I for the guidance of the NGOs.


Vocational Training & Literacy (VTL):

This includes all vocational and skills training programmes that would enable a person to earn his/her livelihood. Furthermore, the vocational training projects will include, where required, literacy programmes as well, so that the trainees get education too. A list of vocations, to illustrate the scope and possibilities, is also annexed as Annex – II for the guidance of the NGOs interested in vocational training.


Physical Infrastructure (PI):

TVO funding is available for physical infrastructure projects i.e,

  1.  Construction of check dams,
  2. Construction of small bridges/culverts,
  3. Extension and repair of karezes.


Agriculture and livestock (A&L):

TVO funding is available for Agriculture & Livestock in the following;

  1. Agriculture Inputs (Seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc.)
  2. Agricultural Tools
  3. Goat Farming
  4. Fish Farming
  5. Poultry Farming
  6. Veterinary Services
  7. Honey Bee farming
  8. Fur Farming
  9. Tunnel farming
  10. Ostrich farming
  11. Nursery farming

TVO’s support in the sector of Environment is restricted to the following:

  1. Renewable Energy (Micro-Hydro, Bio-gas, wind, solar)
  2. Claiming Carbon Credits

TVO’s support in the sector of Disaster Management.

Capacity Building:

  •  Project Management, Proposal Writing, Financial Management etc.
  •  Organisation Management
  •  Preventive health care
  •  Inter provincial exposure visits

Project Funding

To improve the social status of the rural population of Pakistan through funding of participatory community development projects in Six major social sectors:

  • Education (Formal)
  • Primary Health Care (PHC)
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Livelihood
  • Environment
  • Disaster Management (DM)

Capacity Building

To build the capacities of partner NGOs/CBOs through dissemination of information, training, increased access to library books and persistent technical backstopping, so as to enable them to plan, implement and monitor the participatory community development projects in 6 TVO focused sectors in the rural and semi-urban areas of Pakistan.

  • Project Management, Proposal Writing, Financial Management etc
  • Organisation Management
  • Preventive Healthcare
  • Inter Provincial exposure visits

TVo Publication

Information Dissemination:

  •  Handbooks on healthcare both in English and Urdu
  •  Videos on health education & innovative projects
  •  Record keeping & reporting formats
  •  TVO Tehsil Network NGOs directory